Clear Out

One of those days when the weather keeps you indors. Spent today clearing out cupboards. Lots of bits and pieces belonging to our grandsons who left various large items in our house and sheds when they moved two years ago. Now they are moving to abigger house and we get our space back.
First to go will be the full size drum kit belonging to our younger grandson. It currrently takes up a corner of our bedroom. Also on the relocation cards is the older grandson's guitar which its in the lounge / music room.

So I thought I'd blip the guitar before it goes. The background as you can see is the sheet music for Cavatina , one of my all time favourite pieces of guitar music. I bought this music many years ago and spent countless hours working on it, never quite managed to reach John Williams' standard but it's still good to have a go. certainly easier to play guitar than my latest instrument. I have every admiration for snapper's youngsters as I have found the accordion the most difficult of all the instruments I have tried over the years.
By a strange coincidence the new piece I am learning is called " Our House ". Significant that we get ours back as the boys get their own space in a much bigger house. I don't think the new neighbours know what's in store, would love to see their faces as the guitar and drum kit are unloaded!

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