Oh Dear, what can the matter be?

Definitely felt like singing that old song today. Just as well I am a very reilient kind of person after today.

Headed off to lochgilphead for an early afternoon appointmen t at the hairdresser. Got to within 3 miles of the town when smoke came pouring out from under the steering wheel. Lucky enough to be close to a forest track so turne off , parked car g got out all my precious belongings and stood a distance away from it. saw it wasn't going to burst into flames so set off for the long walk into the town. Would you believe that on a busy Saturday with a road full of cars not a soul stopped to see if we were alright. If I had been carrying a rucksack I would have understood if they had thought I was daft enough to be walking around that road with no pavements but there I was with a handbag and dressed for the town and ad not a countryside hike! To think that we always stop and give people a lift.

Any way as luck would have it we were almost there when one of our local councillors stopped and gave us a lift. Thank you Donnie!

Hairdresser was very obliging and fitted me on even though i was very late so that was nother part of the plan for today sort of falling into place.

John organised the car which was duly picked up and taken to the garage at Inveraray where it will stay till we get back from our holiday. Just as well the pick up dropped him off home as he had no other way to get back home. As for me I caught the school bus home , full of secondary school pupils all excited at the prospect of the weekend.

One sore head later I then had to sort out how we were going to get Oscar to the kennels over at Cairndow and us down the road over the Rest to get the plane from Edinburgh The garage was not at all keen to have their car sitting at Edinburgh airport while we were away so managed to sort a lift to the kennels and over to Balfron to our daughter.

Thought we'd save her the trouble of the early morning drive to Edinburgh by getting a bus to Glasgow then to Edinburgh and staying overnight. Nothing doing. Seems some people who like that game played with a burst ball have taken over all the rooms in Edinburgh so another solution was needed. Think it is sorted now and we will be able to get there on Sunday.
What's the betting that our friendly local garage comes up with a car after all the trouble trying to sort things out!

At least Oscar and I did take some time out on the shore just as the sun was going down. Here he is crouched and waiting for me to throw yet another stone for him to fetch. After this he had run into some muck and was filthy, had to give him a bath then clean up the bathroom afterwards. All in a days work.

Might manage a blip tomorrow before we head off but won't be on blip again till we come back from Zagreb.

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