Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Busy Day

Sunday is suposed to be a day of rest but today was the exact opposite.We were going to an 80th birthday lunch at 1 0clock. I hadn't been able to get a suitable card anywhere so decided to design one myself knowing I had images which were perfect for our friend. Got to work , set up the main image , selected a section of another image to paste in over the border just overlapping the top corner of the original image , also got the text exactly where I wanted it. Thought I was being really clever and creative but as we all know pride comes before a fall ! Would the printer print ? No , no and no again. No matter what I did I had to go to party without a card.

Great party, wonderful lunch , typical highland type entertainment , with fiddlers singers, box players and dancing, as well as wonderful company ; great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Got home , pressed the print button and, yes you've guessed it no problem out came the card just as I wanted it. Will just have to either take a long walk over the hill to deliver it myself or post it.

So after a long day got home about 7 0'clock and had to do an emergency blip. Flowers all lifeless , Oscar wouldn't play ball and I didn't want to use flash , not good for the poor dog's eyes so here is an emergency blip , my first to date. A shot of a gift from my grandchildren at Christmas, looks as if he's had a busy day as well.

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