Capital adventures

By marchmont


Not a lot of interest to blip today. I spent most of the day indoors. I tried, and failed, to spend money at the printmakers. It suddenly struck me that I am subliminally trying to replace the ones M bought in Aberdeen and that I assume are still at La G. I didn't think I liked them much, clearly I did. We had so much in common.

Lazy evening eating some of the chocolates that I got on Saturday. Not good!

Just before bed I grabbed some blips. You nearly got the very tall stepladdder that was waiting for me when I got home - necessity when you are 1.52 and living in a flat with 3m high ceilings! You are spared that and here is the redoubtable Molly, patiently posing with that 'surely it's bedtime' look in her eyes - and it was!

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