Making friends

A group of Hereford calves have just been weaned. T has put them with the bought-in calves of about the same age in two different lots. They have settled well although we had their mothers bawling all night! Soon the cows will forget about their offspring until the next calf is born in a few months' time. It is only right to give them a break!

I have just noticed a farm cat high up on the wall on the left hand side!

Today all the cows have been PD'd and some of them scanned by the vet to make sure they are in calf. One had already calved early this morning with a very small calf, four were not in calf, and 37 had positive test results! Most of them will have been sired by our new bull which is always exciting. The vet also castrated a few bull calves. We will not be rearing any more bulls for the time being as the price of a finished steer in the market is nearly the same and bulls need additional space away from the rest.

This is a backblip as was yesterday's.

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