.........Yesterday, all my.......

pancakes turned out as disasters.

I don't know why but I couldn't toss one....so after three feeble attempts we ate the resultant blobs and left some mixture in the fridge.

The Boss had a go tonight and produced this beauty first go. So here is my Mardi Gras blip....a day late.

Work is ridiculous....we're only three days back and the pressure has already reached stupid proportions....and we have a late finish tomorrow and next Thursday. I'm slowly getting to the point where I'm beginning to wonder if it's all still worth it...or should I do what one of my mates is doing and retiring soon and doing another job for a few years. If the mortgage was paid off I wouldn't even be thinking, I'd be doing.

Maybe I'll get lucky and win the Lottery and then there'll be nothing to think about...just retire....and go fishing.

Maybe I'll be more upbeat tomorrow....but I doubt it.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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