Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Kiss from a Rose on a grave...

My mind has been wandering upon forgotten paths today, brushing aside old overgrown saplings, ideas and whimsies from long ago.

What can be the purpose of this kind of journey? why would I spend time flowing over lost loves and missed chances? Perhaps...because I have almost everything that I could long for? I think it's good to look back and wonder at how things might be....not in a wishing kind of way, more of an accepting thing.

I stood pondering this in a favourite spot, when a bird sang so closely by that it stilled my mind for a while. Sometimes I think too much, it is the way it is.....I'm happy.

MMMMmmmm, it seems odd to say it these days, but it bares repeating.....I'm Happy!

Work, rest and play..... an ordinary day, but still wonderful!!

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