A Pilot, 2 Lawyers and a pub!

Well made it to class this morning but could it have been avoided then I think it would have been and Rachel and I would have had 2 bagels! good news discovered at class about the Accountancy report not being due on thursday but Friday instead of thursday,this changed my day ridiculously!

At criminal class tonight, where I was on the defence team we won the case with a NOT GUILTY! Boom! After that hit Jekyll and Hyde with Rachel where I met Ewan, pictured above! He has a very cool job, he's a pilot but needed legal help with his lease. After his work Pearce came by and joined us, well I say us it really turned into him and I discussing his Amercan road trip with extreme passion; Rachel and Ewan were more than happy to be excluded as they looked on at us like we were crazy people.it is with regret that I dont know really what richard does... I know he too has a law degree vut as I pointed out, unless someone is an astronaut or professional beer taster then there are far more interesting things about a person! We had a hoot, till I missed my last train home by ONE minute. Thank the lord for Rachel's house.

AMAZING NEWS following on from
Yesterday ... Toni's dad will not have to pay £68 an hour for a private ambulance the wonderful and sensible consultant will let him out for the day for the Wedding, phew relief at this! Glad he can walk her down the aisle as he wishes!

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