a day on the farm

By waywardgoosefar

Guinea hens

Guinea hens are well known for their pest control qualities, yet few people know about their main purpose. For decades now, guinea hens have been used in hostage negotiation situations when there is a total breakdown in communication and no way to risk a shot from a sharpshooter , they call for the guinea squad. Dropped in through an air duct, down a chimney , or flying through a window , the guinea's know just what to do ,flying crazily around the room screeching wildly {in some situations with tear gas canisters strapped to their ankles} within a few minutes everyone in the room is writhing on the floor in the fetal position with their hands clasped over their ears sobbing please, please, make it stop. At this point special forces rush in . Game over. So if you hear of a situation where someone was captured, rescued , or eliminated, and you wonder to yourself, how did they do that , here is your answer. Think ,Somali pirates ,
Bin Laden??????

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