Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

London times

We trained into London, and dumped our bags at the Youth Hostel (yeah! YOUTH, that's me!) Then off out and about. The girls' priorities were London Eye, and Hamleys.

We tubed to Westminster, and came out of the tube, and said "look up" The girls were absolutely wowed by their first sight of Big Ben. Definitely one from their lists of sights to see.

Crossing the bridge was an experience. The chaps in the background were a group of many the length of the bridge with these cup and ball "games", scams? Also there were a few undercover police, we saw 2 arrests in our short time crossing the bridge.

London Eye...done!

Hamleys next. That was sensory overload!!! We walked from the Eye across to Hamleys so it meant that we saw some more of the sights. Hamleys have managed to mug us for some money. Loved the kids reactions to it all.

Tomorrow we're catching up with my Sister in law and her partner again to go to the Science Museum.

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