Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Natural History and Science


That's what we did today. Barely skimmed the surface of either, but hit some of the important spots.

We saw the T Rex and all the dinosaur bit first thing...not realising the queues that form to see this, so we timed it well without any queuing, and then we went to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year show at the Natural History Museum. Then the Creepy Crawly part called to the Youngest.

We then went across to the Science Museum, where we met my Sister in Law and her partner. We ended up going our separate ways, as 6 year old attention spans are a touch different to 40 year old attention spans. We had such fun! This photo was at the Launchpad area, where the Eldest was entranced by the bubbles.

Out for dinner and then home on the train with two sleepy kids, and two weary footed adults.

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