The Fog of War
Early (well it was 10, but it felt early) trip out to take Conor to football, then on to the market for bread and flowers. Katherine spent most of the day at a friend's house - a friend she was particularly keen to go and see as this friend has horses. And it turned out that her friend lives in a house that I gazed at longingly on every trip into town from our old house. It is a huge set of chateau style houses on top of a ridge, surrounded by manicured grass and cypress trees. Very Tuscan looking. And it's even more lovely close up. Of course I didn't play it cool at all and fessed up straight away how much I loved her place. I'm hoping she took it as a compliment rather than worrying about the wierd stalking English lady...
WIth Conor safely back home, we cracked on with the garden and Conor helped Mr B cut lots of trees down while I finally got through all the brambles. (Well all of this patch... still lots to go in other patches.)
Picking up Katherine involved a lovely cup of tea with her friend's mum and a couple of the mum's friends. I tried to do nodding and smiling and tutting and frowning as appropriate, and they were very patient with my attempts to join in with the conversation!
With lots of baking to do for tomorrow's school lotto, I needed to just pop into the supermarket for a couple of things - and realised that was my third trip into the same shop that day. But any hope of frequent flyer miles getting me to the front of the huge queue (of full trolleys, and me with just three items...) were dashed. Anyway, finally home for a Mr B rabbit dinner and a large slice of the (oh I'm so modest really) delicious lemon meringue pie.
Stuck late in the evening with no blip, I thought I'd make use of the several battalions of World War II soldiers neatly set up in the living room. Here are the Axis powers lined up, with one rogue Brit in amongst the Italians. Mr B (whose toys they are) is a stickler for historical accuracy and was very discomforted by the kids playing 'medieval knights against cowboys' upstairs. As Katherine is studying WWII at school at the moment, he felt it was a good chance to make it real. Watching X-Men first class, with a character who is a holocaust survivor, was another chance to bring home the horror.
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