Heron at Last Light

I took my clown bike out to the preserve to take a short ride. Not much going on. It's still cold and windy...so I guess the birds must be hunkered down somewhere.

I did finally see a yellow-crowned night heron with one of her babies. But...they were really well hidden. Soon...3 other photographers showed up. Big lenses and enormous tripods. But...they couldn't get to the birds either.

I might have had the smallest lens...but I was also the youngest guy there. I found that by stepping on the bottom of the hand rail, and then climbing to the next board of the railing...I had a clear shot. "TAKE THAT...BIG LENSES!!"

It still wasn't very good...so they are relegated to my FLICKR PAGE.

Then...I got to do a good deed. I could tell the 3 guys really wanted to get into "my spot." Even with my assistance...the 1st guy tried and failed. Ditto with the 2nd. But...the 3rd guy...(the oldest of the three)...he was a determined old codger. I grabbed him by his shirt at the shoulder, and by the bottom of his camera vest while he climbed. Then...I held on for dear life while he snapped and snapped. I was proud of the old boy.

Finished up at the shore with this single blue heron. He was the star in front of the "star."

Into the kitchen for day 6 or 7 with strawberry shortcake. (I've lost track.)

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