Learning day by day

By EmmaF

New bag and new course

I had a lovely photo of some spring blossom but decided to post this. Two things co-incided today, I got this new bag in the post and I got the go ahead to start my BfN supporter training course. So hopefully this time next year all things being equal I will be a probationary breast feeding supporter for the BfN.

I went back to the gym this morning. It wasn't as painful as I expected...yet. I managed to have a decent run on the treadmill and then did circuits too. Tomorrow will be painful, but good pain.

Will has been lovely all day and Carys went to her 'best boyfriends' for tea tonight. She had a great time playing on the Wii. Hopefully she won't think to ask for one for her birthday because she won't be getting one!

Looking forward to the weekend.

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