Ok so I am a little under a week early but the kids got their Comic Relief noses yesterday and have had great fun with them, so I thought I would take advantage and blip them.
So I had a lie in this morning. W slept through again with the exception of one crying fit at about 9pm. C, after a late night woke at 7am so we knew we would have an interesting day should we say. C and I headed off to swimming and left the boys to have some time together. When we came back Daddy was supervising W making a frog with hama beads.
After lunch C had a fairy and princess party to go to and Daddy took W to deliver Nanna's Mothering Sunday card. Once I got back from delivering Snow White to her party I came home and did some house stuff whilst having one eye on the rugby. Yay Wales won. Bring on England in Cardiff.
Not much more to say about today other than Snow White returned safely with a party bag and a Hello Kitty Necklace that she won and the boychild promised he would sleep through the night because he would like another packet of sweeties!
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