
By scharwenka

Summer in the Park

Well, it certainly felt like summer today. It was quite hot enough to sit outdoors in shirtsleeves reading the newspapers, and pottering around doing various small jobs in and around the garden.

In our local park, we were greeted by this bright and jolly scene in the children's playground. Pity it isn't for grown-ups, too! We hadn't realised quite how much 'hardware' is there nowadays to provide for climbing, jumping and swinging activities!

In the background, you will make out an ice-cream van. Remembering that this is only the second week of March, we were impressed to see that the weather was sufficiently warm for a queue to have developed, as shown in this linked 'photo.

True, there are signs that this is really still fairly early spring. The crocuses are still putting on a fine display, and it is interesting to examine the detailed structure of the flowers. Should we start an enterprise producing local saffron?

The crocuses are supplemented now by daffodils of various kinds. Here's a clump inside the tracks of the miniature railway that I have shown in several earlier contributions, in this picture, for example. The text accompanying that photograph explains a bit more about the park and the railway.

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