
this delightful baby has been in bed on the chair by the fire for a few days now. And every time I see her, I freak out. I'm sure the children do it just for that effect. I hate plastic zombie eyes.

Today we got rid of Flea - not before giving her embarrassing cuddles and kisses in front of everyone - she's off snowboarding for a week. The we scurried off down to Zürich to meet some lovely people for tea and biscuits and getting to know you chatting...time flew and we got home later than expected with just enough time to cook'n'eat, pack up lucky pens and stuff for Biggest's exam tomorrow and crash into bed. At Biggest's request I had to make bread as she doesn't like milky food (like cereal) when she's nervous (me neither, as she always throws up milky stuff when she's nervous...) so I'm making buns at record speed and then I can crash too......the smell of bread baking is so much nicer than the sight of zombie baby sleeping with her eyes open....

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