new babies

so exciting to be planting things at last!! these have gone into the cold-frame to be protected from the frost which will undoubtably come many times still before proper Spring is here. But I am following the food growing revolution (again). Resistance is fertile sisters and brothers!!

As you can see, I am also growing pegs this year.

News from spitziland: exam was "ok" "good" "yes" and there's more to go tomorrow. Hopefully they will also be "ok" "good" "yes". No news from Flea.....I expect she's too busy giggling. Shish made her exit from school today wearing The Jacket, big hoopy earrings, hair piled up and decorated with flowers and a crown and ugg boots (and hopefully pants etc too). She's taken it into her head that she is in charge of style in our house these days. Just now I, in my chavvy kind of way, sent her to go get me a beer....she opened it for me and passed it over. And I poured it into a glass. OMG she shrieked, what on earth are you doing? Beer should be drunk straight from the bottle!!!! She sent me away from the table for my bad behaviour.

Oh, news from Flea came in whilst I was typing. Lots of background shrieking (maybe someone there was also pouring their beer into a glass?) but she seems ok - let's just hope that she's shutter-happy and has plenty of back blips for us!

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