"Fun"ville -- HOME!
Running away, getting away, vacationing -- are wonderful moments. We enjoy them immensely; and did the past two days. We are both also quite content to come home. We recognize that we are blessed beyond measure to have a lovely place to call "home." We do not take this home and all the pleasure it provides us for granted.
This afternoon it was just good ol' southern California warm and it made all kinds of sense to put on our swimsuits and soak in the spa and enjoy our neighbor's palm trees and the view across the meadowland behind our place. We don't have the sound of the waves or the Amtrak rushing past, as we did yesterday, so we'll savor the memories of those and enjoy them again on some other day.
For now we are HOME.
Good night from "Fun"ville.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka
P.S. This morning was the first "daylight savings time" of 2012. The clock may "spring ahead," but it certainly was a bit harder to spring out of bed this morning.
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