Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Return to work preparation

I had a seminar on "breastfeeding and returning to work" today which was good - they went over the practicalities as well as the legal side of things. I've emailed my boss to let him know that I'll need somewhere to express milk. I've decided that I'd rather Henry had EBM than formula - since the nursery seem unable to make up formula according to the guidelines which is disappointing to say the least.

Henry has been really grizzly all day, I put it down to only having had a short nap but then he was sitting on my knee and I noticed a red spotty rash on his neck. My first thought was "bollocks, he's got chicken pox" as it's going round the village at the moment, but by the time we got home it had gone! I think it was just from him crying and getting upset. I noticed when we got home that his other top tooth is about to poke through so that accounts for the grumpiness. He's very smiley and giggly at the moment anyway!

Today's blip is Henry checking out his new sun tent, bought in preparation for our holiday to Tenerife next week. It makes a rustling noise when you touch it which he found very exciting, and spent ages stroking it and giggling!

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