The Lion and the Lamb

Today's the day ........................... for a Wainwright walk

I went to a meeting in Whitehaven today which meant a drive of about 50 miles or so through the heart of the Lakes. No matter what the weather, this is a journey through staggeringly beautiful countryside and one which I love to take.

The road goes past Dove Cottage, the home of Wordsworth and skirts the village of Grasmere. From this point, you can look across to one of the most recognised hills in the Lake District - Helm Crag. The distinctive summit rocks provide its alternative name The Lion and the Lamb.

The famous hillwalker and writer of guides to the fells, Alfred Wainwright, was fond of the walk up to summit of this peak. He wrote "The virtues of Helm Crag have not been lauded enough. It gives an exhilarating little climb, a brief essay in real mountaineering, and, in a region where all is beautiful, it makes a notable contribution to the natural charms and attractions of Grasmere."

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