Tick Tock Drip Drop
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This clock graces the entrance way in Iguatema Shopping Centre here in Sao Paolo. There are only six in the world, with the other five being in Berlin, Osaka, Paris and Porto Alegre in the south of Brazil. It measures eight and a half metres high by two metres wide. The coloured liquid travels through connected vessels and down into a huge globe (not shown in this pic) and it uses 250 litres of water and has 120 metres of glass tubes. It was designed by the French designer Gitton Bernard.
It seemed fitting that it was my blip at the end of today as I was aware of the time all day. A taxi ride which should have taken 20 mins took 50, making me 15 mins late for a lunch appointment. Luckily I'd left in what I thought was good time. Still, it was a fruitful and enjoyable meeting and sowed the seeds for possible teacher training work here and it's always good to make another contact anyway. I'm still amazed that the EFL and CELTA teacher training world is so small! We were able to many connections and, in fact, one of my colleagues from the online E-moderating course I did at the end of last year, who's based in Vancouver, is going to be working in this Sao Paulo centre in July!
Later at night I could hear the seconds tick more loudly and much more slowly than usual through a 1-1 English class I'd agreed to give, not finishing till 9.20pm. I'm sure there were more than 60 seconds in each minute and more than 60 minutes in that hour!!
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