Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Buckling under the strain

Got the day off with a terrible start. L woke at 6 which is becoming the norm here. I swept her up to put her in my bed, so as not to wake the girls, but unfortunately they awoke, leaving the stairgate open on their way downstairs. The next noise I hear is that of L tumbling down the whole flight of stairs, a few seconds silence and then an almighty wail. Thankfully she's ok, she's banged a few bits on her face but it could have been worse and I'm feeling terrible for not protecting her.

E was slow getting ready for school again today which meant she missed her bell and had to sign in at the office. I checked the reason she'd given, and there it was, clear as anything "my baby sister threw her breakfast on the floor". This is true but the real reason we were late was her indecision in picking the toy she would bring in for Golden Time! Creative thinking there E.

L had an amazing swim today. Jumping in and happily floating on her back. It seems making sure we go every week is the key.

E was upset after school as she's made me something for mothers day but forgot to bring it home. J took her back up there this evening and E convinced a teacher to unlock her classroom so she could collect it but it wasn't in her tray :(. She's really sad about it and I am a tad worried about what's causing her to be so forgetful and chaotic all of a sudden.

With the evenings being lighter, Sara and I went back to one of our older routes for our run today. Was a nice change but clearly a shock to the system. I'm aching already. No pain no gain right?

What happened next, I can only describe as a moment of madness. I asked the girls to go do their teeth for bedtime. When j went up to run their bath there was freshly chopped hair in the loo and sink. At this point it dawns on him that the nail scissors are also out. Cue a few shouty moments as he realises the girls have been cutting their fringes up there.... Unattended.... With scissors that were locked in a high cabinet. That's going to look amazing in the wedding photos! I thought they'd be at least 16 before trying this crap.

I will study the damage in the morning with a fresh head, but for now they've gone straight to bed.

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