My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Recovery - Day 3 (and my birthday)


Today is my 39th birthday and I am spending it in hospital. Certainly different from any previous birthday. Was a bit emotional on and off throughout the morning.

Before going into hospital I was told that I would not be able to wash my hair for around 14 days. So I bought some dry shampoo to try out at some point. However, today the nurses changed my dressing to a waterproof one and gave me the green light for a shower. Considering I only stood up for the first time yesterday, I needed help to get there and had a seat whilst in there. I have to say, it was GLORIOUS! The most wonderful birthday present as it put the biggest smile on my face. It's amazing... The healing power of water!

Found some cuts and scabs in my hair/scalp whilst washing hair. I enquired after them and was told that during surgery my head was pinned/clamped into place to avoid any movement. Makes sense.

Also, was very odd washing hair when my little and ring fingers on my right hand (and the outer half of my forearm) are completely numb and feel like they are just lumps of plasticine just stuck onto my arm. Very odd.

As a special birthday treat, the nurses said my family could come an hour earlier than visiting hours started. N came early and brought cards and gifts from home. My lovely friend, D, visited too for a couple of hours this afternoon. Dad and my brother came later. Mum, frustratingly for her (and me) still cannot travel after her op so we said hello on the phone instead.

Beth came back onto the ward this afternoon after spending last night in intensive care. She has been through the mill, poor girl, and is pretty out of it. N says I am feeling maternal towards her and he's probably right.

So, Dad brought a fabulous chocolate cake. Everyone sang happy birthday and I made a wish with the first cut of the cake. I had a taster and it got shared out amongst families (mine and Beth's) and the nurses - except one who had given up chocolate for lent. There is, amazingly, some left over for tomorrow!

A busy and emotional day. Am absolutely exhausted.

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