
By Cairistiona1

Mothers day.

Everyone has disappeared to go visit the M-I-L and I'm home alone. Still nursing a cough, so probably for the best. Also let me get the banking out of the way (always a joy... but particularly naff when you are working on a different operating system and the damned thing won't accept your passwords). Off course that was relatively easily fixed by the nice man on the end of the phone - who told me to switch off my CAPS LOCK. Thank goodness I didn't go on a rant about not being stupid. DUH!

Once that was done I phoned my mum. Been a while since I've been down and last time she was unwell. Decided we need to rectify that one soon.

Then I had a bit of time to play. Have never really been happy with the automatic exposures I get using aperture priority on the Canon. Probably me. I don't get the feel of the camera yet, which it is annoying. So today I switched to manual and messed around a bit. Much more fun than letting the camera decide. Lots of duff shots to begin with, but after a while it started to feel more like the kind of thing I was after.

The daughter bought me some yellow tulips in Waverley before she came up yesterday and this is one of them. Looking particularly glorious too.

Anyway, pics taken and back to the man's mac to try and do the processing. After a significant delay (trying to navigate my way through the file structure and to find an equivalent for the "save as" button) this is what I came up with. Feeling very computer illiterate today!

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