Thistle Down

By Ethel


People stand upon the earth,
Showing each his mortal worth.
Some with talents...fully used,
Others make them so abused.

Under a bushel...Not all they hide,
For another's use, they strew them wide.
For some have one, and some have ten,
All for the good of their fellowmen.

One man is blessed with a number of things,
And another knows not...what fate will bring.
He takes his talent and buries it low,
While the first man plants, so it will grow.

Some there are...that puts them away,
And waits to use them at another day.
To have sufficient is a certain feel,
Some fear...lest thieves break in and steal.

For gifts have been given to all mankind,
And blessed is he who looks in to find.
That under his bushel...he did pursue,
And a mass of new talents, are just coming through.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Leslie with her beautiful Blipfoto 365 Book from 'presenttense'.

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