Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Sunny Day - The missing dress

I was going to use a pic of M's yucky ear infection as my blip today, it makes for interesting viewing. I thought Id spare you the gore and opt for something a bit sweeter. We've been back to the docs again for the 4th week in a row, new swabs and new antibiotics. Fingers crossed and all that.

Lovely sunny day again. I even dug out my flipflops!

When I was going through all my old photos the other day, I found a photo of E that was taken by Grandad while she was there one day. J's parents use to look after her when I first went back to work. In the photo, E was wearing a yellow cotton dress with little blue flowers on, with a pretty little collar. I didnt recognise it as one of my own so I showed J who suggested it may have been one of the spares his mum kept for her. J's mum isnt here to ask anymore and Grandad doesnt pay a blind bit of notice what anyone wears, so J went over on Sunday and set about checking the drawers and cupboards for this dress. Sure enough, there it was. Probably sat there for the last 6 years untouched. And what is more, it is exactly the right size for another little nipper I know. Result!

So this is todays blip. L wearing the located dress. On a perfect sunny day for it. :-)

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