Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Grumpy Grandad

I was on a mission this morning. When L woke at 5:30, we (and with 'we' I mean 'I'), decided to go down and do my killer excercise DVD. Get it out the way early and be free for the rest of the day. Certainly got the endorphines going which was nice but I'd have prefered to be asleep.

After school drop off L and I had a play date with Kainan and his Daddy. There were suppose to be a few of us but bank appointments/house repairs/doctors appointments meant it was down to just us.

The best thing about playing at someone else's house is that you get to see what toys and activities they do and encorporate them in your own home. 2 noteworthy activities I shall be stealing are; home made personalised aprons (crafty activity and practical solution to avoid damaging more clothing), and den building. The girls already make their bunkbeds into a den on a regular basis, but I forgot they don't let L play. Apparently she just trashes it!

Anyway, enough about that. Came home for lunch, and endured some food-throwing abuse. I actually got a slice of salami in the face. Quite insulting really. L has one hell of a throw on her. That was such a lot of excitement for one hour, so I put her down for a nap for my own safety.

Swimming after school. E managed a whole 10 meters back stroke. I dont think either she or I knew she could swim on her back. It was more of beginners luck. Bearing in mind she cant properly swim on her front yet, it was a lovely suprise.

While Im having a proud mummy moment, I may aswell go the whole hog. M came home with a certificate for good reading. It was suppose to be given out in assembly but she missed it due to one of her many doctors appointments for her ear problems. Shame. :( She will be late in tomorrow too as we have a repeat hearing test at the hospital. Really hoping next week she will not miss a second of school...well except for the teacher training day on the Friday.

Its Grandad's 72th birthday today. He's in a grump because his friend cancelled their curry plans due to illness. I offered to make him dinner instead but it appears he preferred to be grumpy. An hour with the kids seemed to win him over and he left smilling.... well less frowny anyway. Grandad wouldnt be Grandad if he wasn't cross about something, its something we've just got used to. He's got a heart of gold though. Hopefully his friend will be better very soon and he can have his belated birthday meal then.

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