stuff and stuff

By florencerusty


It's not really possible to sum up a day like today in a photo. Not a day like today in 2012, but a date like today since 2007. This day 5 years ago we were told our baby had died. We were 37 weeks pregnant and expecting to bring home a baby within days. It threw our lives into complete disarray and we are forever changed by the loss of our precious son Jacob. Stillborn but still born 5 years ago tomorrow.

Life since has brought tough times and these dates are the worst but 18 months later our Rainbow arrived. Our precious princess.

There were no plans for today, you cannot plan for grief. But we lunched with the Mr and then went to the park. We played and snapped and walked and chatted and then we had ice cream. Even on the saddest of days you cannot fail to smile at the face of our beautiful Tiddly Pop.

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