Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Somewhat ridiculous..

It won't work you know!

What won't work?

You, standing there looking all....all...well, yellow!

I can't help it, it's what I am!

Humpf! They won't look, they don't even know we're here.

I don't care, I like looking like this. I think I look nice! So there!!

Ha! look! here comes they don't see us.....tooooo busy rushing about!

I think he will look.......he's a seer, watches, notices things, he'll stop!

Well I don't want the disappointment......I'm looking the other way!

Hehehe I'm going to wave at him, you see if I don't!

It won't work......he'll never look!

"good morning Daffodils...and how are you this fine morning?" I said.

Hehe.....told you....he likes us!

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