Cornish Times

By David1970

Choices, choices...

Another cosy night in front of the fire with the folks. Interspersed with cooking dinner and listening to CDs (the epitome of multi-tasking), tending the fire and catching some of the friendly banter between Justin and Victoria on BBC Spotlight. Oh, and feeding the four-legged furry monsters that seem to follow us about because they know they're onto a good thing.

However, towards the middle of the evening hard decisions had to be made.....Tea or Wine? Wine or Tea? Both beverages have their distinct qualities and I've never been known to turn my nose up to either but after the second glass I think I had settled for the wine. A good choice, a nice South African Red of some description or other.... not sure what but after three years at University in my youth I'm not sure I really care; just as long as it's in a bottle and has my name on it.

Anyway, got to go, my tea is getting cold...

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