Messy Day

We've had a messy day today! Got all the bits ready for doing string printing, and took over the kitchen floor. We had fun :) Then we hit the shops. I'm putting together craft kits to mail out once a month, and I needed a few extra bits to complete the trial kits. Hopefully by the end of today I'll have five kits all ready to go to my lovely testers!

It's not been a very easy day, although it's had some really fun moments. Ben was such a superstar trailing around the shops with me. He's learning fast. Toys and crafty stuff, he's to ask Grandma and Grandad for. Clothes he's to ask his Gran for! He shows me EVERYTHING and has to touch stuff but he's generally very good at not putting it in the basket or demanding we buy it! He has walked a long way today, trailing round so many shops as we tried to find all the bits on my list.

Other things...

Chocolate bribery to take photos in the sunlight (there were lots more than this but I liked these!)
Charley giggling for the first time when I tickled him
Ben going bonkers when Steve came home and bouncing on Steve's head, saying he was a trampoline
Bedtime - me: "five more minutes playtime while I sort the kitchen out then it's bedtime." Ben: "But I want it bedtime now mummy!"
And then, the craft kit production line taking me away from blipping!!
Dinner at 10.30pm - curry: do not leave to simmer for 3 hours, the burnt bits really are inedible...

No time to link to individual other pictures..... sorry!

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