Wednesday encouragement

Much much better day today, even if I still feel very much not firing on all cylinders. Even after caffeinated coffee. Some wonderful friends believe in me far more than I do in myself and have said some lovely encouraging (and true) things, and my self-belief levels have risen again. I was functioning enough to actually talk to people this morning, and have managed to get some ideas down on paper too! Thankyou to EVERYONE who has encouraged me, you have done more than you realise to bolster me up again. xx

Spent a bit of time in the garden after Little Fishes this morning, tidying up. Charley sat in the bumbo which has been brought down from the attic - he will tolerate it for only short periods at the moment, it does restrict his movement quite a lot and he definitely preferred being in the bouncy chair when I brought that out for him instead. Ben still fits in the bumbo, much to his delight. And this sunflare shot was the only thing I took pictures of while we were outside! Totally forgot to even take snaps on the phone. Never mind!

We risked a trip to the supermarket this afternoon, and it actually wasn't so bad. We treated ourselves to chips in the cafe afterwards, after dealing with Charley who was screaming because his nappy was wet. Gotta love cloth nappies. Shame I don't use them as much as I'd like to! Today has been a cloth day though. I really ought to get back into cloth.

Steve was out at rugby training again this evening. I've had the boys to myself again, and Ben was showing no sign of slowing down at all. And then all of a sudden he announced "Mummy, I want to go to bed now." And off we went!

Crept out of bed leaving them both there just as Steve got home, and what do I do with 40 minutes of child free time? Chop vegetables :) Obviously not for the whole time....

And there was the Squashy Frog episode.

I really must remember to check the tumbledrier before loading it.


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