Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

M, L, Baby & Woot

Poor M's suffering some side effects from all get antib's. I decided, after watching her sob into her Cheerios that I could grace her just this one day off school. I love having her at home, i'd keep them all off all the time but I daren't let them in case I can't get them to go back. This is the first day either of them have had off so far this year so I'm not too worried.

We got some bits from tesco first thing and we came home for a snack. Then M put dinner in the slow cooker for us. It reminded me of the lovely afternoons we use to have, just the 2 of us, before she started school and we had L.

We were all in the garden at 3:15 when the school rung to remind me that E's after school club wasn't on this week ( as per the letter). Oops! I felt terrible, I hope she forgives me.

Today's blip is of m & L waiting outside the chemist to pick up yet another prescription. They close between 1-2pm, which i wasnt aware of so we sat on the wall until 2pm. L has taken a real shine to baby, never without her, but today she also wanted to bring "woot" with her. Her toy spotty dog. Who am I to argue? ;-)

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