Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Sunny Sundays

Another glorious sunny day. I know it's boring, keep commenting on the weather, but I really do feel it dictates my mood for most of the year. Sunny=happy!

It always feels a bit weird when the clocks change. You can kinda tell that things are a little out of sync but it's manageable. The system can just about cope, unlike with jet lag. I always think, at this time of year, what it would be like if we weren't clock worshippers, worrying about the time. Just doing things when we felt like it. I guess, we may quickly grind to a halt.

We were up and off to homebase first thing for roof felt to put on the play house. Also went to carpet world (or carpet land/planet/right, I get them all mixed up) to get a scrap piece to line the floor with. It looks super.

We came back for lunch before attaching the felt and just generally mulling about in the garden enjoying the sunshine. E came home from her horse riding lesson one week with a lucky horseshoe, so we've attached that too. She really wanted it in her room but I draw the line at sharing a room with a poo-ey shoe ;)
It's looking so homely, may have to put some curtains up.

Did our family run/bike ride round the lake with The Baulards. Managed to time/measure it this time, 7.6km. Not bad and further than I thought.

With it being brighter in the evening, kids were bathed and and relaxing downstairs well In time for bed. Bliss.

Sat with j watching the grandprix highlights we'd recorded. I feel robbed that we can't view it all on the bbc anymore. It's much harder to keep track of what's happening with their dodgy cut & cut edited coverage.

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