Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Promising Start

What a lovely start to the day, sun beaming through the windows and lighting the room.

Im trying to break L's fear of sand before we go on holiday so we toddled back to the indoor play centre to play in the sandpit. We had some tears and some escape attempts but we did in the end achive one toddler standing, although in shoes, on the stand for a few moments. Progress! :-)

The big girls were able to ride their scooters home from school. I dont normally like to bring them as they have nowhere to store them and its difficult dragging them back with the buggy as well. I made an exception today though, with the sun and all. We got home in record time, haha!

Great session with E and her horse this evening. She was off the reigns again but did brilliantly this time. I was able to safely stay out of the ring (or whatever they call it) and take lots of pics. Nanny Sue was off work today and snuck up to see her too. Such a proud mummy. So much so we picked up a cake on the way home...It looked nice, as I sat there with my blueberries and yoghurt ;-)

Came home to find the doctor had called about M's blooming ear again. Apparently the ENT consultant has contacted them to say despite taking 2 lots of swabs, she been on the wrong medicines for about 6 weeks and will will not get better until she switches to something else. Another prescription to pick up in the morning. Its turning into a bit of a comedy. Good job Im off the junk cos theres not a lot of space in my fridge with all these potions

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