bee focused...

...on the prize awaiting you

in this case in the blossoms of the peach tree... yes, they are aplenty on the tree... i am drawn to it - i have never seen the great tree so full of blossoms... and hence it has become a virtual bee fest in the backyard... they come bzzzzing all day long - attempting to get their fill of all the pollen possible...

so far, i've not noticed any bee fights happening... everything has been very calm - very precise - very determined... the little bees know their job - have been given instructions from on high... will do whatever necessary to accomplish the goal - be successful... it is amazing to watch them... observe their behavior - no lollygagging here my friends (notice how i used our word of the day from last week?)... no distractions by me either - i was avoided completely so no risk of a sting - yay... so wonderful to get caught up in how nature works - it made for...


happy day.....

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