Camogie Practice

During my lunch break today I took a stroll over to the town leisure complex where we have a soccer pitch with a running track around its perimeter. The track hasn't received any attention in years and is in terrible condition but at least it's a measured 400 metres long so runners can at least measure their performance.
On the soccer pitch a pair of young ladies were practising their camogie which is supposed to be a slightly genteel form of our native hurling. In actual fact there is nothing genteel at all in the way the girls approach the game and many a blood curdling cry will be heard during a match. Enough indeed to frighten the living daylights out of most guys. Here one of the girls has raised the ball (known as the "sliothar") into the air using a backward roll of the hurling stick and a scooping upward lift before launching it like a tracer bullet, a distanse of 50 metres or so with a great degree of accuracy. Skilled players are adept at catching the sliothar in mid air. Along with ice hockey, hurling and camogie rank among the fastest games in the world.
Off now to see if I can sort out a guy's printing problems. He has a magnificent Epson 3800 A2 machine which insists on producing prints with a plummy magenta cast. I don't know if I can solve it for him but I'll give it a go. Commenting later if I'm not too late returning.

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