Ships Graveyard

Well last night turned out to be a success. A friend of mine had told a guy who was having with his printer to get me to have a look and see if I couldn't solve the problem. The printer in question is an Epsom 3800, A2 giant of a thing and as good a printer as you are ever likely to see. Problem was that the prints were coming off it with not an awful lot of green but plenty of both red and magenta. After rummaging about a bit in the background of the software I found that he was asking Photoshop to manage the colours and at the same time getting the printer to look after the same job. Fatal error. Always let one or the other do the managing. As soon as I switched things so that the printer alone ruled the roost, up came the most perfect prints you could hope to see.

On the way to the office this morning I drove by the harbour to see if there was anything afoot and behold I found a crew of guys dismantling an old steel hulled trawler. Sparks flew under the influence of the welders torch as he started his days work with a flourish.

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