nice as London is

I prefer open fields, big skies, fresh air :-)

So, what did we do? On Friday, after the working day was over, we flew to London, stayed in a hotel at the airport and the next day (after eating "all you can eat", which ranged from very little to a hell of a lot) we headed to the Barbican, where we met a number of very special people, got dressed in funny robes, got our photos taken and were then marched across a stage, shaken hands with while people cheered and clapped.....and then we cracked open some wine, went out for a lovely meal (recommended if you want good quality British food and nice people serving it) and toddled off to a friends' house to sleep....and the next day was yesterday, so you can see the blip and work out for yourself where we went. We got home last night at 11pm and the working/school week started this morning as usual and then some other stuff happened and now, to be honest, I'm just bloody tired :-)

Thank you to all the lovely people who made this weekend special :-)

These guys clapped for us too, which was nice.

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