Stage 4 Swimming Girl
Today we finally had one of the three make up swim classes that our instructor owed Carys. She should have done her Stage 4 badge last week but she couldn't because of her ear infection. So today she nailed it and in the process probably swam further using butterfly legs than Mummy can, but don't let on to her just yet.
Stage 4
?1. Demonstrate an understanding of buoyancy
?2. Perform a tuck float for 5 seconds
?3. Perform a sequence of changing shapes (minimum of 3) whilst floating at the surface.
?4. Push and glide from the wall to the pool floor
?5. Kick 10 metres Backstroke
?6. Kick 10 metres Front crawl
?7. Kick 10 metres Butterfly on front or back
?8. Kick 10 metres Breaststroke on the front
?9. Kick 10 metres Breaststroke on the back
?10. Perform on the back a head first sculling motion for 5 metres in a horizontal position.
?11. Travel on back and roll in one continuous movement onto front
?12. Travel on front and roll in one continuous movement onto back
?13. Swim 10 metres, choice of stoke is optional
Just to be sure H made her do 40m of each of the 10m things! Not bad for a four year old. Still struggling to find an appropriate class for next term. Am hoping Letchworth may have the answer but their Aqua Ed Co-ordinator is difficult to get hold of.
One of two 'girls' days this holiday today and other than swimming we are just taking it easy. At the moment she is in the middle of the most complicated hama bead princess and we have to pick up W form T's in a bit so I am making the most and Blipping now.
If you have time I have back blipped our weekend and my two meeting their new cousin.
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