Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


Softly, so softly that you can hardly hear it, my eyes opened and the sound poured in from all my senses. The carpet felt cool on my feet as I crept to the window, gently pulling the curtains apart I smelt the air heavily scented with the bewitching freshness of RAIN!

Once out of the car and onto the bike the thickness of the air was truly wonderful, like a silk sheet pulled across your skin, feeling the folds ripple and slip.
Marvelling at all the clean and dense colours that had returned with the life giving water, I sat and drank in the the hole scene.

Each little droplet a microcosm of wonder, the world bent and rounded into crystal clear orbs. Every blade of grass a fairground ride of swirling delight, every branch tip a kaleidoscope of distant views, what a wonder it all is!

A simple thing is life, when easy delights are found laying on the ground. To watch the sun rise, the snow fall, leaves change colour, flowers grow and the rain make a chandelier of everything.

Another early blip as another daunting day looms, but today I saw the world carpeted in diamonds......and that will do nicely thank you very much :D

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