Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In search of freedom

A tough day, the day before a weeks holiday.

All the time I was at work my mind was soaring, floating on the idea of FREEDOM.

I remembered a time when sitting alone on a mountain top in the Lake District, a moment of cosmic peace, I had sat for a little while letting my breathing slow and my mind to clear of all the rubbish that it contained.

Breath in, breath out, breath in.....let the sound of your pulse in you head slow.... concentrate on your heart...let it slow.... then all you can hear is the beat of the rhythm of your life.... let that fade away and all you can feel is the sense of you..... then that drops away and all there is are the molecules that make you and the earth around you..... then it was as if the whole of the universe and I were one....a massive consciousness all the same... and then blissful silence...nothing.

This wonderful moment lasted but a few seconds... but has stayed with me for ever. It has become the ideal of peace and serenity.

I have some time.... some freedom...a small luxury in a life of requirements.... maybe I can find a sense of wonder that will transport me to the Nirvana that I long for.

At the end of a busy day..... jumping for joy.....a real sense of freedom!!!!

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