Sky Landers

Kite Surfers at Belhaven Beach, East Lothian. I worked at home after having a lot of trouble with travel yesterday and spotted these guys from the bedroom window whilst I was on a phone meeting about 1130. After that finished, I pulled on all the layers I could muster, plus wellies, and headed to the beach.

Big Surfer.

They enjoyed being photographed and pulled trick after trick in front of me - which was a nuisance since I wanted them pulling tricks with the Bass Rock in the background! - and what a great time we all had. Mark (green board, blue sail) stopped for a chat and we immediately had a load in common. Well met!

I put far more than I meant to on Flickr, but of the 500 pictures I came home with, I was fairly happy with 50. Since I had so many, I wasn't too careful with the processing and some are experiments. Over/under/effects... Well, there they are.

Just 2 big sleeps til Dunc and Dad go to London and we're very excited!

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