midwife crisis

By lulubelle

evening estuary

The sun shone fantastically, the wind was bitter and we ummed and ahhhed too much about going to Cape Clear, until it was too late to go. Having weighed up the pros and cons we're going to go over tomorrow just for a day trip (weather permitting....any sign of vomity type waves and I'll be at home where the floor doesn't move).
I made good use of the afternoon as I pondered the perisitant niggle in my head that I really should be on Cape Clear, I sanded and varnished the garden bench that my mum and dad gave me 20 years ago when I moved into my first flat in Southend on Sea, 1992! It's looking much more loved now, hopefully we won't stick to it tomorrow!
Yola came to us today, all bouncy and happy after a trip to England with her mum, with her newly purchased wedding attire, a very grown up little number > short n sexy with killer heels. I have to break it to her that she's going to need to wear wellies for the outside ceremony.
Had an evening bike ride with Hubs, taking in the estuary. The light was stunning and I had lots of difficulty choosing between the heron, the mega moon and the sunset. Back to a house of teenagers baking lemon cake. Big mess, fabulous cake, happy people.
We all watched a very good Art Nouveaux BBC 4 programme while eating cake and learning about sex and sensuality in art in 1910. Great until the Germany museum lady started talking about orgasms, always tricky when different generations are in the same room! It voz quite funny.

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