midwife crisis

By lulubelle

destination Cape Clear

Extremely cold but wonderfully sunny. Had a very leisurely breakfast with our house guests. We all went to Baltimore, about 45 minute drive away, most of us went in the car, Dave cycled > bit too hard core for me, but I'm very impressed by Dave's fitness & enthusiasm. Sue, Dave, Flo & Bob took the ferry across to Cape Clear for 3 days holiday. We're planning on joining them for a day, just haven't decided which day. I want the calmest sea available, whenever possible I aim for minimal vomit or nausea! Today looked like there was potential for revisiting breakfast. This shot of the water is deceiving, that sea is a cruel mistress and it was good n choppy once out from the shelter of the islands. It's a big sea and a small ferry. Burp.
Try BIG.

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