Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Sydneysiders at Play

Easter Friday and downtown Sydney is a totally different place. There is no buzz of businessmen dashing about or many cars on the streets, which is actually quite nice. We had decided to go over on the Ferry to Manly for the day and headed for Circular Quay, a 5 minute walk from our hotel.

The journey takes half an hour and for a few minutes the boat is confronted with the swell from the South Pacific. The boat ploughed into the waves, which threatened to break over the bow. The spray which did come over was greeted with shrieks of excitement from several children who, along with Mrs B, were standing at the bow!

Manly is mostly a beach resort, but also has a rugged headland and several rather enchanting little bays. On the main beach the surf was up and the place was mobbed with families, couples and youngsters all making the most of the excellent weather. We later learned from a Manly man, who for some reason seemed to consider folk from Manly superior to Sydneysiders, that the sea was too stormy and the surf not great. It certainly wasn't putting these young lads off as they waded into the surf and swam from the shore. They then caught the waves and swan in on the surf. They appeared quite fearless and totally at home in the water. It was great to just stand in the sun and watch them.

After a good walk through Sydney Harbour National Park, we had a spot of lunch in Little Manly Cove and watched the Sydneysiders at play on the beach. Another short walk took us to Manley Cove where we settled down with a drink and simply watched the world go by. After snacking on a seafood platter it was time to get the ferry back to Sydney. The sun had just set and there were some fine views of the city including the Harbour Bridge and Opera House. However, since that was yesterday's blip, I settled on the young lads at play and the surf. All in all, we had a great relaxing day in Manly.

The plan is to go to the Sydney Easter Show at the Olympic Park tomorrow, which sounds a wee bit like the Kintyre Show, but on a slightly grander scale!

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