Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


It's not easy being caught between two powerful women, especially when you are only fifteen. But The Dizzle took it in good part. There was actually a third as well, off camera; he has to be especially nice to her as she will be his boss for a week in June when he does work experience at the House of Commons. Well, with great power comes great responsibility ?

Today was another busy day (must actually try and get some rest in the remaining two days of this long weekend). As well as the hurly burly of Sainsburys, there was a trip up to see the Aged P, although happily not on my own as TSM and The Dizzle came with on this occasion. Aged P has a new mobility scooter which made getting from house to car much easier. Very funny watching someone three weeks off her ninetieth birthday finally being in charge of a motorised vehicle (she never did pass her driving test).

Went to Miss B's for tea. Miss B is an old family friend and the aforementioned supervisor of work experience. Lots of tea and cake and memories, as she used to work for my father before going to work for an MP. She also has two gorgeous white and marmalade cats who were much photographed.

Lot of driving in south London, including my old road and the hill I climbed or ran down when going to and from School. I'm not a nostalgist. A lot of where I grew up is pretty grim and I wasn't sorry to leave it behind. Woolwich Common is currently quite bizarre because of some very odd and  sinister temporary white structures erected for the Olympics. Looks like Quatermass come again.

Driving home, we got within thirty seconds of our front door when I noticed an accident - a learner driver had mounted the pavement and collided with two large junction boxes. Not at all surprised therefore to get home and find we had no internet or cable tv. Wandered round to scene and found a virgin media engineer on the job already but with the glum news that the damage was extensive  and it would take 24 - 48 hours to put humpty back together again. Oh well, relax as they say...

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