Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Long and Hard

That's how I had to think before deciding what to blip today. Had a choice of shots. Went for this one because

a) I like the colours
b) A dog makes a change from cats
c) There is no c

We did a circular walk near where we lived nearly twenty years ago when we first got together. This is the Wey Navigation leading up to the delightfully named Papercourt Lock. One of my children, naming no names, weed in the lock when we were picknicking back in those days. Happy times.

TSM also did some shopping in North London today. Some lovely Jewish delicacies. Mini bagels and some unbelievably nice cheesecake.

Good news - we booked a holiday in Malta today. Nice to have that to look forward to.

Feels like the spring finally kick started today ...

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