I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Tug of Warriors!

What a fantastic day, today turned out to be. Last day of the Easter Rugby camp and "E" was in his element, rugby all morning....magic, Glasgow Warriors, (and some of them Scotland team ) to play with double magic!! The grin is still on his face, he has been tackled by Duncan Weir (supposed to be touch rugby for the Warriors safety!), he's passed to Pat McArthur, rucked with John Welsh as well as meeting AGAIN his hero Dougie hall, who got to sign the only white bit of his strip! Al Kellock was his usual fantastic self with the kids, and all the new guys pulled out the stops to get involved with the kids. Pics taken with Hoggy, Ritchie, Irn Bru, Meatball, Cus, the list goes on and when I've uploaded them I'll pop on a link for all the action of the day. He even made it onto STV News (you could spot his mile wide grin in the background), "E", "I", "G" and "D" are away to play more rugby, me........I'm away for a wee lie down!!

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